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ID-porten is a common log-in system used for logging into Norwegian public e-services for citizens.

NAIS provides a sidecar that integrates with ID-porten, so that you can easily and securely log in and authenticate citizen end-users.


The sidecar is only available in the Google Cloud Platform clusters.


Port Configuration

The sidecar will occupy and use the ports 7564 and 7565.

Ensure that you do not bind to these ports from your application as they will be overridden.

Minimal example:

    enabled: true
      enabled: true
      level: idporten-loa-high  # optional, default value shown
      locale: nb                # optional, default value shown

See the NAIS manifest reference for the complete specification.

Ensure that you also define at least one ingress for your application.

Network Connectivity

ID-porten is an external service. Outbound access to the ID-porten hosts is automatically configured by the platform.

You do not have to explicitly configure outbound access to ID-porten yourselves when using the sidecar.


Try out a basic user flow:

  1. Visit your application's login endpoint (https://<ingress>/oauth2/login) to trigger a login.
  2. After logging in, you should be redirected back to your application.
  3. All further requests to your application should now have an Authorization header with the user's access token as a Bearer token
  4. Visit your application's logout endpoint (https://<ingress>/oauth2/logout) to trigger a logout.
  5. You will be redirected to ID-porten for logout, and then back to a preconfigured logout page.
  6. Success!

See Wonderwall for further usage details.

Runtime Variables & Credentials

Your application will automatically be injected with both environment variables and files at runtime. You can use whichever is most convenient for your application.

The files are available at the following path: /var/run/secrets/

Name Description
IDPORTEN_AUDIENCE The expected audience for access tokens from ID-porten.
IDPORTEN_WELL_KNOWN_URL The URL for ID-porten's OIDC metadata discovery document.
IDPORTEN_ISSUER issuer from the metadata discovery document.
IDPORTEN_JWKS_URI jwks_uri from the metadata discovery document.

These variables are used for token validation.

Security Levels

ID-porten classifies different user authentication methods into security levels of assurance. This is reflected in the acr claim for the user's JWTs issued by ID-porten.

Valid values, in increasing order of assurance levels:

Value Description Notes
idporten-loa-substantial a substantial level of assurance, e.g. MinID Also known as Level3
idporten-loa-high a high level of assurance, e.g. BankID, Buypass, Commfides, etc. Also known as Level4

To configure a default value for all login requests:

    enabled: true
      enabled: true
      level: idporten-loa-high

If unspecified, the sidecar will use idporten-loa-high as the default value.

The sidecar automatically validates and enforces the user's authentication level matches or exceeds the application's configured level. The user's session is marked as unauthenticated if the level is lower than the configured level.


  • If the application requires authentication on the idporten-loa-substantial level, the sidecar will allow sessions with a level of idporten-loa-high.
  • The inverse is rejected. That is, applications expecting idporten-loa-high authentication will have the sidecar mark sessions at acr=idporten-loa-substantial as unauthenticated.

For runtime control of the value, set the query parameter level when redirecting the user to login:



ID-porten supports a few different locales for the user interface during authentication.

Valid values shown below:

Value Description
nb Norwegian Bokmål
nn Norwegian Nynorsk
en English
se Sámi

To configure a default value for all requests:

    enabled: true
      enabled: true
      locale: en

If unspecified, the sidecar will use nb as the default value.

For runtime control of the value, set the query parameter locale when redirecting the user to login:


Token Validation

The sidecar attaches an Authorization header with the user's access_token as a Bearer token, as long as the user is authenticated.

It is your responsibility to validate the token before granting access to resources.

For any endpoint that requires authentication; deny access if the request does not contain a valid Bearer token.

Always validate the signature and standard time-related claims. Additionally, perform the following validations:

Issuer Validation

Validate that the iss claim has a value that is equal to either:

  1. the IDPORTEN_ISSUER environment variable, or
  2. the issuer property from the metadata discovery document. The document is found at the endpoint pointed to by the IDPORTEN_WELL_KNOWN_URL environment variable.

Audience Validation

Validate that the aud claim is equal to the IDPORTEN_AUDIENCE environment variable.

Signature Validation

Validate that the token is signed with a public key published at the JWKS endpoint. This endpoint URI can be found in one of two ways:

  1. the IDPORTEN_JWKS_URI environment variable, or
  2. the jwks_uri property from the metadata discovery document. The document is found at the endpoint pointed to by the IDPORTEN_WELL_KNOWN_URL environment variable.

Other Token Claims

Other claims may be present in the token. Validation of these claims is optional.

Notable claims:

  • acr (Authentication Context Class Reference)
  • pid (personidentifikator)
    • The Norwegian national ID number (fødselsnummer/d-nummer) of the authenticated end user.

For a complete list of claims, see the Access Token Reference in ID-porten.

Next Steps

The access token provided by the sidecar should only be accepted and used by your application.

To access other applications, you need a token scoped to the target application.

For ID-porten, use the token exchange grant (TokenX) to exchange the token for a new token.

Recommended: JavaScript Library

See for an opinionated JavaScript library for token validation and exchange.