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Consume internal API as an application

This how-to guides you through the steps required to consume an API secured with Entra ID as an application (or a machine user). This is also known as the machine-to-machine (M2M) or client credentials flow.


Configure your application

Enable Entra ID in your application:

      enabled: true

Depending on how you communicate with the API you're consuming, configure the appropriate outbound access policies.

Use webproxy for outbound network connectivity from on-premises environments

If you're on-premises, you must enable and use webproxy to access Entra ID.

Acquire token

Now you can request a new token for the API that you want to consume.

The token request is an HTTP POST request. It must have the Content-Type header set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

The body of the request should contain the following parameters:

Parameter Value Description
client_id 60dea49a-255b-48b5-b0c0-0974ac1c0b53 Client identifier for your application. Set to the AZURE_APP_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
client_secret <some-secret> Client secret for your application. Set to the AZURE_APP_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
grant_type client_credentials Always client_credentials.
scope api://<cluster>.<namespace>.<other-api-app-name>/.default The intended audience (target API or recipient) of the new token.

Send the request to the token_endpoint, i.e. the URL found in the AZURE_OPENID_CONFIG_TOKEN_ENDPOINT environment variable:

Token request
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Successful response
  "access_token" : "eyJ0eX[...]",
  "expires_in" : 3599,

Your application does not need to validate this token.

Token Caching

The expires_in field denotes the lifetime of the token in seconds.

Cache and reuse the token until it expires to minimize network latency impact.

A safe cache key for this flow is key = $scope.

Consume API

Once you have acquired a new token, you can finally consume the target API by using the token as a Bearer token:

GET /resource HTTP/1.1

Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQ...

📚 Entra ID reference