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Environment variables for Kafka

These variables are made available to your application when Kafka is enabled.

Variable name Description
KAFKA_BROKERS Comma-separated list of HOST:PORT pairs to Kafka brokers
KAFKA_SCHEMA_REGISTRY URL to schema registry
KAFKA_SCHEMA_REGISTRY_USER Username to use with schema registry
KAFKA_SCHEMA_REGISTRY_PASSWORD Password to use with schema registry
KAFKA_CERTIFICATE Client certificate for connecting to the Kafka brokers, as string data
KAFKA_CERTIFICATE_PATH Client certificate for connecting to the Kafka brokers, as file
KAFKA_PRIVATE_KEY Client certificate key for connecting to the Kafka brokers, as string data
KAFKA_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH Client certificate key for connecting to the Kafka brokers, as file
KAFKA_CA Certificate authority used to validate the Kafka brokers, as string data
KAFKA_CA_PATH Certificate authority used to validate the Kafka brokers, as file
KAFKA_CREDSTORE_PASSWORD Password needed to use the keystore and truststore
KAFKA_KEYSTORE_PATH PKCS#12 keystore for use with Java clients, as file
KAFKA_TRUSTSTORE_PATH JKS truststore for use with Java clients, as file
AIVEN_SECRET_UPDATED A timestamp of when the secret was created