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Enable Leader Election

This guide will show you how to enable leader election for your application.

Enable leader election in manifest

  leaderElection: true

Using leader election in your application

// Implementation of getJSONFromUrl is left as an exercise for the reader
class Leader {
    public static boolean isLeader() {
        String electorPath = System.getenv("ELECTOR_PATH");
        JSONObject leaderJson = getJSONFromUrl(electorPath);
        String leader = leaderJson.getString("name");
        String hostname = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostname();

        return hostname.equals(leader);
$ kubectl exec -it elector-sidecar-755b7c5795-7k2qn -c debug bash
root@elector-sidecar-755b7c5795-7k2qn:/# curl $ELECTOR_PATH