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Ingress reference

This is the reference documentation for ingresses in NAIS.


See the environments reference for a list of available domains.

Ingress customization

Ingresses are automatically created for your application when you specify them in your application manifest. The ingress is created with a set of default values that should work for most applications.

You can tweak the ingress configuration by specifying certain Kubernetes annotations in your application manifest. A list of supported variables are specified in the Nginx ingress documentation.

Custom max body size

For nginx, an 413 error will be returned to the client when the size in a request exceeds the maximum allowed size of the client request body. By default, this is set to 1m (1 megabyte).

  annotations: "8m"

Custom proxy buffer size

Sets the size of the buffer proxy_buffer_size used for reading the first part of the response received from the proxied server. By default proxy buffer size is set as 4k

  annotations: "8k"

Custom timeouts

In some scenarios is required to have different values for various timeouts. To allow this we provide parameters that allows this customization:


Note: All timeout values are unitless and in seconds e.g. "120" sets a valid 120 seconds proxy read timeout.

WebSockets Support

Support for websockets is provided by nginx ingress controller out of the box. No special configuration required.

The only requirement to avoid the close of connections is the increase of the values of proxy-read-timeout and proxy-send-timeout.

The default value of this settings is 60 seconds.

A more adequate value to support websockets is a value higher than one hour (3600).

kind: Application
  name: myapplication
  namespace: myteam
  annotations: "600" "600"


All requests to your application via ingress will result in metrics being emitted to Prometheus. The metrics are prefixed with nginx_ingress_controller_requests_ and are tagged with the following labels: status, method, host, path, namespace, service.

Ingress metrics label descriptions
Label Description
status HTTP status code
method HTTP method
host Host header (domain)
path Request path
namespace Namespace of the ingress
service Name of the service (app name)

Uptime probes

All ingresses will automatically have uptime probes enabled on them. This probe will directed at the application's readiness endpoint using a HTTP GET request. A probe is considered successful if the HTTP status code is 2xx or 3xx. The probe is considered failed if the HTTP status code is 4xx or 5xx.

You can query the uptime probe status using the following PromQL query:

probe_success{app="my-app"} == 1

Example PromQL Queries

Number of requests to the myapp application, grouped by status code:

sum by (status) (nginx_ingress_controller_requests{service="myapp", namespace="myteam"})

Number of 5xx errors to the myapp application:

sum(nginx_ingress_controller_requests{service="myapp", namespace="myteam", status=~"5.."})

Percentage of 5xx errors to the myapp application as a ratio of total requests:

100 * (
  sum by (service) (rate(nginx_ingress_controller_requests{status=~"^5\\d\\d", namespace="myteam", service="myapp"}[3m]))
  sum by (service) (rate(nginx_ingress_controller_requests{namespace="myteam", service="myapp"}[3m]))

Ingress access logs

Request access logs from nginx ingress controller are automatically collected and stored in Kibana.

Here are pre-configured queries for the controller logs in the following clusters:

Kibana Grafana Loki
dev-gcp dev-gcp
prod-gcp prod-gcp
dev-fss -
prod-fss -

Log fields description

Field Description
message HTTP request on the following format: "method path httpVersion"
response_code HTTP response code from nginx
x_upstream_name The application receiving the request on the following format "namespace-app-name-port"
x_upstream_status HTTP response code from the application
x_request_id Unique request ID used for correlating further requests from the application to other services

Find your access logs

In order to find your team's application access logs, you need to filter on the following fields:

  • AND x_upstream_name: my-namespace* (replace my-namespace with your namespace)

If you want to filter on a specific application, you can add the following filter:

  • AND x_upstream_name: my-namespace-my-app* (replace my-namespace with your namespace and my-app with your application name)

If you want to filter out specific HTTP response codes, you can add the following filter:

  • NOT response_code: 404 (replace 404 with the HTTP response code you want to filter out)

If you want to filter out multiple HTTP response codes, you can add the following filter:

  • NOT response_code: (404 or 503) (replace 404 and 503 with the HTTP response codes you want to filter out)

If you want to find specific HTTP methods, you can add the following filter:

  • AND message: GET* (replace GET with the HTTP method you want to filter out)

Disable your access logs

Not reccomended

Running without access logs is not reccomended and will limit your ability to audit or debug connection problems with your application.

In some cases (such as legcay applications that are using personally identifiable information as URL parameters) you might want to disable access logs for a given application. This can be done by setting the following annotation in your nais yaml:

kind: Application
  name: myapplication
  namespace: myteam
  annotations: "false"

To keep personal identifiable information out of access logs use POST data instead or switch to user identifiers that are unique to your application or domain.

Some debugging tips

If response_code and x_upstream_status are the same it means that the application returned this response code – not nginx. Look in the logs for the corresponding application, this is not a problem with nginx.

Here are some suggestions depending on what http status code you might recieve from nginx:

Code Suggestion
400 Bad Request If nginx returns 401 error with no further explanation and there is no x_upstream_name it means that nginx received an invalid request before it could be sent to the backend. One of the most common problems is duplicate Authorization headers.
413 Request Entity Too Large If nginx return 413 error it means that the request body is too large. This can be caused by a large file upload or a large request body. The solution is to add the proxy-body-size ingress parameter to an appropriate size.
502 Bad Gateway If nginx return 502 error but the application is returning a 2xx status code it might be caused by large response headers often cookies. The solution is the add the proxy-buffer-size to an appropriate size.

Full ingress example

kind: Application
  name: myapplication
  namespace: myteam
  annotations: "256M" "8k" "300"
    protocol: http
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  name: myapplication-gw-nav-no-abcd1234
  namespace: myteam
  annotations: "HTTP"    # from ".service.protocol" "true"           # this is always on "256M"     # copied from annotations "8k"     # copied from annotations "300"   # copied from annotations