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Debugging workloads

If you have problems getting your pods running you should check out the official documentation from Kubernetes:


Applications in the context above is not the NAIS applications. Debugging a NAIS applications resource is done with kubectl describe application $app_name.

Debugging Memory Leaks

If you experience memory leaks in Java processes you can get heap dumps either automatically on OOM or on-demand.

Automatically on OOM

Set JAVA_OPTS to -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/tmp

The /tmp volume is maintained through restarts, so if your app is restarting because of OOM, the heap dumps can be retrieved from there.

Manually on-demand

You can use jmap to create a heap dump of a running Java process.

Find a pod and exec jmap in it (assuming PID 1 is the Java process):

kubectl get pods -l app=[app-name]
kubectl exec [pod-name] -- jmap -dump:all,file=/tmp/heap.hprof 1

Getting the heap dump

You can use kubectl cp to get the files from the pod to your local computer:

kubectl cp [pod-name]:/tmp/heap.hprof ./heap.hprof

You can inspect the heap dumps with tools like JProfiler, VisualVM or IntelliJ.

kubectl debug

kubectl: version

This feature requires kubectl version 1.28 or later.

Nais requires the flag --profile=restricted when using kubectl debug and the flag is only supported in kubectl 1.28+. At this time, this is the only way to run the ephemeral containers as non-root and without any capabilities.

You can run an ephemeral container in a pod using the kubectl debug command.

kubectl: --image

The specified --image cant have more capabilities than the pod it is attached to and must be able to run as non-root.

The following example starts a shell in a new ephemeral container named debugger-id in the my-pod-name pod:

kubectl debug -it my-pod-name --image="" --profile=restricted -- sh

Once the ephemeral container is created, you will be presented with a shell prompt. Then run some diagnostic commands and inspect the container’s environment, or modify the container’s configuration to debug the issue.

kubectl debug -it my-pod-name --image="" --profile=restricted -- sh
Defaulting debug container name to debugger-lrmqq.
If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.
~ $

You can read more about debugging with an ephemeral debug container over at

kubectl attach

If you want to attach to a running process inside a running container you need to use kubectl attach. You can read more about the command over at

# Switch to raw terminal mode; sends stdin to 'bash' in ruby-container from pod mypod
# and sends stdout/stderr from 'bash' back to the client
kubectl attach mypod -c ruby-container -i -t


I get an HTTP 503 Service Unavailable error when visiting the ingress for my application, why?


This indicates that your application is not ready to serve traffic. This is usually due to one of the following:

  • The application is not deployed to the cluster
  • The application is not up and running. This can be caused by a problem with the application itself, for example:
    • The application doesn't respond to any configured health checks
    • The application only has a single pod or replica, and that pod is not running
    • The application is configured incorrectly (e.g. has missing required dependencies, has the wrong image, etc.)

My application gets an HTTP 504 Gateway Timeout error when attempting to communicate with another application, why?


If you're using service discovery, ensure that the access policies for both applications are correctly set up.

Otherwise, ensure that the other application is running and responding to requests in a timely manner (see also ingress customization for timeout configuration).